Monday, July 8, 2019

High Falls Hike

One of the greatest joys I have is spending time outdoors. I enjoy hiking, long walks, spending time near water--these are among the things I enjoy the most. Sometimes, I am lucky in that I am able to combine all of these, as I was recently during a hike to High Falls, in Bracebridge, Ontario.
Bracebridge is a lovely town of approximately 16000 people and is blessed with several waterfalls.
High Falls actually boasts more than one of them. With its quiet, wooded area, it is an ideal place for a hike. It has enough rocks to make the walk not only interesting but also a good workout.

'Til next time!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Blogging, and My Goals for Doing So...

The end of June marks the halfway point of the calendar year.
This is the time I like to look at my start of the year goals and reassess where I am at with them, whether or not they are something I want to continue to work on, and if I need to choose other goals in their place.
I also look to see how many of the tasks I need to do in order to reach those goals have been completed. For instance, one of my goals is to enjoy a career writing novels. Tasks would obviously include the writing of the words, as well as planning and outlining the novels, deciding what genre to write in, picking out the cover art for them, editing them, choosing a professional editor, etc. There would be many tasks involved in accomplishing that single goal.
Other goals included getting healthier, losing weight, and the one I felt I should begin today--starting a blog.
My goal for the blog is to post once a week, about life and love and creativity; about planning and about family and fun and learning, and about being a certain age while feeling all of 25.
I hope you will join me.
'Til next time.